Saturday February 22, 2025  
Archery Rifle & Pistol Skeet & Trap Fish & Game Clubhouse Club Calendar Range Rules
Membership Directions Contacts Videos Training
Skeet & Trap Skeet & Trap Rules New Shooters

NOTICE: Lead shot is not allowed at Riverside Gun Club's skeet and trap fields.

This rule is strictly enforced.  Only biodegrabale targets are used.


			2024 SCHEDULE

	Saturday April 13              Spring Cleanup 9am to 11am

	Sunday May 12                  5-Stand, Skeet & Trap

	Sunday June 2                  5-Stand, Trap Only

	Sunday June 30                 5-Stand, Skeet & Trap

	Sunday July 28                 5-Stand, Trap Only

	Sunday August 18               5-Stand, Trap Only

	Sunday September 15            5-Stand, Trap Only

	Sunday October 20              5-Stand, Skeet & Trap

	Saturday October 26            Fall Cleanup  9am to 11am

	Sunday November 24             Thanksgiving Lucky Bird

	Sunday December 15             Christmas Lucky Bird Shoot

	Wednesday January 1            New Years Day Fun Shoot 

Frank Harrington

Please continue to contact Frank for first timers, lessons and outings.


Tues & Thurs evenings (7:00 PM to 9:30 PM) and Sunday mornings (09:00 AM to 1:00 PM)

We are planning to have a full shoot (trap, skeet & five stand) at least once a month. As always, we shoot year round. We welcome non-members and guests at skeet, trap and 5-stand.

Over the last two years we have taken on big projects in resurfacing both skeet fields. We have also bought wireless controls for all three fields thanks to the generosity from our shooters. This year we have completed the 5-stand expansion with 3 additional machines and a tower. This gives us a total of 10 machines with many presentations of targets to shoot at.

Skeet & Trap

Riverside has a robust shotgun program with open shoots scheduled several times a week. We are a "green" facility, utilizing biodegradable targets and requiring steel shot. Lead shot is forbidden at Riverside. Our three fields are configured to support different shooting programs including skeet, trap and 5-stand.


Three Shotgun Fields with remotely controlled automatic trap throwers. We also have lights on two fields for night shooting.
  • Upper Field configured for Skeet and 5-Stand (lighted)
  • Middle Field configured for Skeet & Trap (lighted)
  • Lower Field configured for Trap


Tuesday Night Shoots, Tuesdays 7:00p - 9:30p.

Thursday Night Shoots, Thursdays 7:00p - 9:30p.

Sunday Morning Shoots, Sundays 9:00a - 1:00p.

Wanna try it? We welcome members and non-members to our skeet and trap fields. If you are new to the sport or want some help we have NRA Certified Instructors to help you at no charge. We will even let you borrow a gun for your first time. Due to the increased number of new shooters to our program, we now ask that you email the Skeet & Trap chairman ( to make an appointment.


Interested in throwing a Party or having a Corporate Event?

We are happy to offer our skeet and trap fields for corporate, birthday, bachelor and whatever events. There are NRA Certified Instructors to give safety classes, instruction and full supervision during the entire event. We supply the guns and everything else needed for lots of fun. Please contact Frank ( to discuss your event.

 Riverside Gun Club
16 Wilkins Street
(978) 562-2404
Mailing Address:
PO BOX 152
Hudson, MA 01749
©2025 Riverside Gun Club, Inc