Thursday February 6, 2025  
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Riverside Gun Club - Education and Training

Regardless which shooting organization you choose to follow, there is always an emphasis on education, training and the responsibilities of gun ownership. The objective is to keep one idea ALWAYS on our minds: Safety, Safety, Safety. Firearm accidents have been on a steady decrease since their peak during the 1930s. This is no accident and it is due primarily as a result of an increase in firearms training. Remember to ALWAYS keep the gun pointed in a safe direction; ALWAYS keep your finger off the trigger (and on the gun frame, not the trigger guard) until you are ready to shoot; and ALWAYS keep the gun unloaded until ready to use.

The Nation al Rifle Association (NRA) has an extensive educational program which includes basic gun safety, basic courses for pistol, rifle and shotgun, and muzzle loading as well as more advanced programs for inside and outside of the home self defense. The NRA also provides instruction for would be instructors for each of their courses as well as for instructors of the instructors also known as counselors. In addition, the NRA teaches shooting coaches. For school age children, the NRA developed the Eddie Eagle program which is intended to be taught in the schools (that.s right, in other parts of the country, gun safety is taught in the schools). The Eddie Eagle program emphasizes the Stop-Don't Touch, Leave the Area and Tell an Adult as the standard doctrine for young children when they encounter a firearm.

The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) has their own program called: Own it, Respect it, Secure it initiative with its Project ChildSafe which is bringing attention to the need to be proactive in protecting children from unauthorized use of firearms. NSSF is asking firearm owners to take the following pledge "I choose to own a firearm and therefore accept responsibility for using and storing it safely. I commit to securing my firearm when not in use, being aware of who can access it at all times and educating others to do the same. online at: NSSF also has their First Shots program and a selection of excellent safety and educational videos.

In recent years, a Shotgun Instructor course was held at Skeet & Trap, Rifle & Pistol held pistol clinics and Archery is in a constant educational and training process.

Every year, Riverside offers basic firearms training on a regular schedule. This program includes the NRA Home Firearm Safety course, the Basic Pistol Skills course and the Beyond Basic Pistol Skills course. Click here for the basic course schedule.

The NRA Home Firearm Safety course is a pre-requisite for firearms licensing in Massachusetts. Basic Pistol Skills class for new shooters who need to learn about their guns and the proper basic shooting skills including; stance, posture, grip sight alignment/sight picture, trigger control and more. Of course safety procedures will be strictly enforced. Click here for the basic course schedule. In addition, the the Beyond Basic Pistol Skills course builds upon the Basic Pistol Skills course plus includes drawing from a holster, engaging multiple targets and more.

We sponsor courses with excellent outside instructors, including nationally respected teaches. We have a close relationship with the Gun Owners Action League (GOAL) with which we sponsor courses at Riverside. During recent years, we have hosted Jon Green's incredibly informative Massachusetts Gun Laws, Progressive Carbine which is taught by Scott Germain of Central Mass Weapons Training, and The Principles of Concealed Carry which is a must for anyone who carries or is considering carrying concealed. Keep an eye on the website for more information as the courses are planned out.

The Club officials are doing their part to make great educational opportunities available to its members and guests. It's up to you to do your part and take advantage and sign up for a seminar or course.

If you want more information about any of the Riverside education/training initiatives, please email Bill at:

 Riverside Gun Club
16 Wilkins Street
(978) 562-2404
Mailing Address:
PO BOX 152
Hudson, MA 01749
©2025 Riverside Gun Club, Inc